
Python Academy is a leading training company specializing in the Python programming language and related topics.

Since 2006, we have offered tailored corporate training and courses for individual participation in both German and English. Our long-standing clients include renowned research institutions and large German and international companies.

Our highly qualified team of trainers has extensive experience in Python programming and training. All courses are conducted interactively using our modern online training system. From the very beginning, participants actively engage and apply their newly acquired knowledge in practical exercises.

We offer all courses both as in-person events and online training sessions. Additionally, hybrid formats with on-site and online participants are possible. Our in-person training sessions can be conducted in Germany, other European countries, or worldwide.

How to contact us:
Python Academy GmbH & Co. KG
Zur Schule 20
04158 Leipzig / Germany
Tel:+49 341 260 3370
Fax:+49 341 520 4495
How to contact us:
Python Academy GmbH & Co. KG
Zur Schule 20
04158 Leipzig / Germany
Tel:+49 341 260 3370
Fax:+49 341 520 4495